Rajasthan Subordinate and Ministerial Service Selection Board conduct Rajasthan Gram Sevak recruitment examination annually. To crack it candidates must have knowledge about important topics that are includes in
Rajasthan Gram Sevak Syllabus.
This year also the authorities are going to hold the exam and candidates who are preparing for it may avail the Rajasthan Gram Sevak Syllabus 2022 (ग्राम सेवक सिलेबस राजस्थान) (Topic Wise) from here. Along with the Detailed Gram Sevak Rajasthan Syllabus / Rajasthan Gram Sevak Bharti Syllabus candidates are advised to take a look over the Rajasthan Gram Sevak Exam Pattern so that they can understand the structure of examination.
Rajasthan Gram Sevak Syllabus (राजस्थान ग्राम सेवक सिलेबस)
Syllabus of Gram Sevak Topic Wise:The question in the written exam will be asked from the following topics:

English syllabus:-
There will be Tense, antonyms, synonyms, correct sentence, common error, article, verb omission.
Hindi syllabus :-
Raj Gram Sevak Syllabus 2022- Hindi General Hindi cover all topics related with Hindi grammar like samas, sandhi, one word substitution, synonyms, antonyms, etc.
Maths syllabus :-
Gram Sevak Syllabus Rajasthan – Mathematics Number system, HCF & LCM, Cube, Numerical series, simple interest, Average compound interest, question related with time and work, time and distance, calculating area mixture.
Reasoning syllabus :-
Gram Sevak Ka Syllabus – Reasoning Numerical series, analysis, relationship, analogy, blood relationship, calendar, odd man find out etc.
General knowledge :-
RSMSSB Gram Sevak Syllabus– General Knowledge Rajasthan culture, Rajasthan drainage system and rivers, Rajasthan history, Rajasthan local self-body.
Download PDF: Rajasthan Gram Sevak Syllabus in Hindi (ग्राम सेवक सिलेबस इन हिंदी)
Download Here: Gram Sevak Syllabus PDF Download (English)
The village development and Panchayat Raj Minister announces the Rajasthan Gram Sevak Bharti and then many candidates apply for it. In order to hire eligible and deserving contenders the authorities conducts the recruitment examination.The examination is always based on the Gram Sevak Bharti Rajasthan Syllabus. Hence it is must for candidates to have details about the Gram Sevak Vacancy Syllabus. Keeping the same in mind, we the team members of recruitmentresult.com have created this page and have given all the details about Gram Sevak Syllabus PDF / Rajasthan Gram Sevak Syllabus PDF.
Let’s take a look over the detailed topics in Syllabus of Rajasthan Gram Sevak:
Syllabus Of GramSevak (ग्रामसेवक Syllabus): Mathematics
1.Number System
2.Profit & Loss
3.Time & Work
4.Time & Distance
5.Ratio & Proportion
6.Square Roots
10.Fractional Numbers
12.Simple Interested
13.Compound Interested
14.Fundamental Arithmetic Operations
15.Relationship between numbers
16.LCM & HCF etc
Gram Sevak Bharti Syllabus (ग्राम सेवक का सिलेबस): Reasoning
1.Digit Series
2.Symbol Series
4.Mathematical Operations
5.Digit Arrangement
6.Data Sufficiency
7.Decision Making
8.Word Formation
10.Statement & Reason
11.Coding & Decoding
13.Group Analysis
15.Direction Logic
17.Statement & Assumption
18.Statement & Action
19.Statement & Arguments
Gram Sevak 2022 Syllabus (ग्राम सेवक पाठ्यक्रम): English
8.Correction of Sentences
10.AntonymsActive & Passive Voice
11.Direct & Indirect Speech
12.Directrd Substitution
13.Correction of Sentences
14.Error Detection
15.Comprehension etc
Gram Sevak Exam Syllabus: General Knowledge
1.Current Affairs of Rajasthan
2.Latest Government Schemes in Rajasthan
3.History of Rajasthan
4.Geography of Rajasthan
5.Political Science of Rajasthan
6.Environment (Desert & Land) of Rajasthan
7.General Science (Environmental, Physics,
8.Chemistry & Biology)
9.Social Studies of Rajasthan
10.Art of Rajasthan
11.Knowledge of Roads & Highways
Rajasthan Gram Sevak Exam Syllabus in Hindi & Rajasthan Gram Sevak Exam PatternRajasthan Gram Sevak Paper Pattern
Exam Duration: 3 Hours (180 minutes)
Gram Sevak Subject Total number of Questions Marks
1. General Knowledge Q 20 N40
2. Hindi Q50 N100
3. Mathematics Q 50 N100
4. Reasoning Q10 N20
5. Computer Q10 N20
6. General Science Q 5 N10
7. Rajasthan Study Q5 N10
Total Q150 N.300
There will be 150 questions in the examinationEach question will be of 02 marks
Candidates will be given 04 options for every question and they need to choose the right answerTotal time given to candidates to complete the examination will be 03 hours
Negative marking will also be there as .25 marks will be deducted for each wrong answer
Final Note
In order to avail more details about the Rajasthan Gram Sevak Syllabus 2022 (ग्राम सेवक भर्ती Syllabus), candidates may also go through this Official Link. All details about Rajasthan Gram Sachiv Syllabus, Gram Sevak Bharti Have ahyaskram, Gram Sevak PDF, Gram Sevak Vacancy 2022 Rajasthan Syllabus etc from this page.Have a look on below linksRajasthan Gram Sevak Result Jobs in RajasthanHow to Prepare for Reasoning How To Prepare For GKHow to Prepare for English How to Prepare for MathsRajasthan Current Affairs